Yet Another Development Blog

  • Headless WordPress with GraphQL + Vue3

    Headless WordPress with GraphQL + Vue3

    Whenever I hear the term “headless” I flash back to watching the Disney animated story The Legend of Sleepy Hollow where the headless horseman terrorizes the movie’s fearful protagonist Ichabod Crane- it must have had a big impact on me. What we’re actually talking about today, however, is not nearly as spooky as that. What […]

  • Custom WordPress Dashboard

    Custom WordPress Dashboard

    The built-in WordPress dashboard provides a great user interface. Developers have been refining and improving on it for over a decade now.  That said, I have occasionally found edge cases that call for a modified user experience when creating and editing content on the WordPress platform. One such edge case was a client site I built […]

  • Vector-based Interactive World Maps

    Vector-based Interactive World Maps

    In order to visually demonstrate Resolution Media’s global presence to the user we created a global footer map, visible on all pages in the site. The global footer map is interactive, like Google Maps, with zoom and pan capability. Each dot on the map represents an office of the global company. When a dot on the […]

  • My First WordPress Plugin

    My First WordPress Plugin

    Open Source Software One of the best features of this open source platform is the community that has formed around it. The participation comes in the form of support as well as free software: themes and plugins. Many talented minds have taken time out of their lives to develop plugins and themes extending the core […]